I want to be NORMAL

With every fiber of my being, I wanted to be normal.  I wanted to be accepted.  I wanted to be OK.  I wanted people to look at me and know me and smile and wave and think, there goes a good guy.  I wanted to live a life that is …

What is it Worth to You?

Dating is a bitch.  Hard enough when you are in your teens and twenties.  It is next to impossible when you are Sixty Five, or a single Mother, or transgendered, or have desires or needs that are way outside the mainstream.  Dating’s a bitch.  I have been without a long term partner …

Abuse Causes SadoMasochism?

All through my exploration of the BDSM lifestyle, my Dominance, and my sexual Sadism, I have heard well reasoned reports, some from well respected scientific journals, about the causal association between early physical and sexual abuse and a later interest in Sadomasochism.  Everyone around me, until I found a community, …

The Balance of Control

I feel I am being repetitive, so assume this is coming from the DRD or Department of Redundancy Department. “It is My Way or the Highway.  I am the Dominant here.  I make the rules.  You submit.  I don’t want to hear your opinion.”  Well, that makes things easy.  You do …

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