Thanksgiving, Giving Thanks

Thoughts came when I read Dr. Carol Queen’s article in Good Vibrations this morning, “Things to be Thankful For (In Bed)”. (All links no longer Active.)

We fight traffic, gather the family together, shop, cook, prepare, talk, drink, celebrate…..something, a dinner, a party, getting together, something.  But in all of that effort, it is a good thing, actually rewarding for us to take that moment to consider all the people and things that have done their part to make our lives more enjoyable, more beautiful, more exciting, erotic, fuller, more stimulating, broader, more balanced, accepting, open, and spiritual.

In each of our lives, there have been people who touched us, perhaps by sharing or showing, or simply by accepting and so taught, broadened or confirmed who we are today.  Sometime the experiences are joyous, bonding, and at times painful.  But they made us who we are and because of that, deserve a bit of contemplation, consideration and thanks.  Taking those moments, in a strange way, broadens us, makes us aware that we are more than ourselves, and perhaps reminds us that we too, can give that gift of time, consideration and acceptance to others so perhaps we will be remembered, and thanked, on this day.

To Ethel, Ann, Lucy, Pennies, Denise, Phillipa, Pam, Rita, Carol, Casey, Willie, kitten, Ms. Diana, Barry, Stefanie, John Cougar, Manel, DaddyChrone, JasondaBoi, Master Onyxe, ShellySin, Sophie, Naru, Master Dani, Anthony, Jamilla, Dr. Bob, kell, Mehta, and more, I send my profound thanks and deep appreciation for moments, long and short, of care, concern, joy, passion, broadening experiences, teaching me a bit about love and being open to others, and acceptance of that great conundrum that is I.

The Eroticist

One comment

  1. mehta

    a beautifully written piece straight from your heart which is widening more every day……it is beautiful to watch you progress and process the amazing journey you are on…a great example to us all…..with great respect,

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