Been Away and Musings

I would like to apologize to my readers.  I have been away far too long.  I have been struggling with attempting to form a relationship across the continent, trying to arrange a visit, trying to give it the concentration it deserved.  It took my attention.  It was not to be. …

What is it Worth to You?

Dating is a bitch.  Hard enough when you are in your teens and twenties.  It is next to impossible when you are Sixty Five, or a single Mother, or transgendered, or have desires or needs that are way outside the mainstream.  Dating’s a bitch.  I have been without a long term partner …


I feel myself to be an empathetic person.  But empathy requires awareness.  When I see someone in pain, it effects me.  Entitlement, however, is a strange condition where its presence is marked particularly by operating outside of the beneficiaries awareness.  I am a tall Caucasian male, well spoken, who knows how to dress …

Inform your Partner

Anyone who is a regular reader of my blog is familiar with Reid Mihalko‘s Elevator Speech.  (Yes, there are three links there, though the last one is down through December 14th, 2012.  At least that is what it said on December 13th.)  It is a lovely, though socially bold way of presenting yourself …

Abuse Causes SadoMasochism?

All through my exploration of the BDSM lifestyle, my Dominance, and my sexual Sadism, I have heard well reasoned reports, some from well respected scientific journals, about the causal association between early physical and sexual abuse and a later interest in Sadomasochism.  Everyone around me, until I found a community, …

The Balance of Control

I feel I am being repetitive, so assume this is coming from the DRD or Department of Redundancy Department. “It is My Way or the Highway.  I am the Dominant here.  I make the rules.  You submit.  I don’t want to hear your opinion.”  Well, that makes things easy.  You do …

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This site contains discussions of relationships and sexuality. You must be over the age of 18 to enter.